Submitted by Name: Herb From: Orlando, FL E-mail: Contact
Comments: Thanks for such an informative site. I have never researched my Strat Plus until I found your info here. It is my first guitar, and I haven't had it out in a long time. It is a pale yellow, with serial number E458364, which makes this an early model, 1987 I would say. I had forgotten how long I've owned it, since 1993.
I am very excited to learn I have a unique guitar, and to see her in such nice condition.
Added: October 5, 2009
Submitted by Name: Lindsay From: Bunbury W.A. (West Australia not Washington) E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi Xhefri, I didn`t know ultra`s or supers existed until landing on your site, I have a * * * strat, E6858174 for which my esteem has risen some after reading yor stuff, but don`t get the wrong idea, it`s a beautiful thing, finish, manufacturing, components, the quality is faultless and standing the test of time. My only gripe is the stock PUPs; a little lame on tonality, and loose half nuts (fixed with loctite) on the lead jack. Keep up the good work on the site. P.S. I`m about an hour from the guy in Cowaramup, AKA Cowtown. coincidence huh?
Added: September 19, 2009
Submitted by Name: Louis Gagnon From: Ottawa Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: where to start?
Great site...lot's of useful info for a newbie like me who just simply loves Fender Strat's. So much that I purchase my 88 special using your web as a guideline. It's nice to see someone who put's so much effort in doing something so special..great advice!
Thank you for replying so promptly to my questions.
Keep up the great work..this is my favorite site!
Wishing you health and happiness
Added: September 17, 2009
Submitted by Name: Denis McGuinness From: Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: Just wanted to send you a note to thank you for your fantastic web site, my 88 Strat Plus, the first guitar I have ever refinished/rebuilt, a brief history of the guitar,it was rescued from a house fire and was badly singed in places, especially around headstock and lower edge of fret board, and had melted plastic all over it, the original finish (black) was beyond repair so I refinished it natural/nitro, I gave the neck a good cleaning and touched up a few areas, retained the original finish, singe marks and all, I dressed/leveled the frets (also my first time), checked the electronics which were O.K. the pick guard was severely warped,( which I managed to actually reshape flat), We named the Guitar "Phoenix" for two reasons, our Golden Retriever "Phoenix" passed away last year and the guitar being re-born from a fire, it just seemed like good Karma. This guitar is so sweat it seems to play itself ,
Thanks Denis
Added: September 15, 2009
Submitted by Name: Dave Johnson From: Cowaramup, Western Australia E-mail: Contact
Comments: Hi there mate, I found your page on Strat Plus's very interesting to say the least. I have owned one since 1989 and have never bothered to look up the history of this awesome axe that I have owned for 20 years, how lazy..! Mine is black with RED/SILVER/BLUE Lace Sensors and serial #E466678, all stock and no mods. (I always loved how the serial number has "666" in it, a quirk from early heavy metal days). Anyway, thanks for making the info available, I have been inspired and have spent the last two days cleaning every inch of the guitar. I also gave it a fresh set of strings and I'm sure I actually heard it thank me during a blues run! Cheers Dave
Admin reply: Hi, Yours must be an early 1990 as Fender never started using the Blue, Silver, Red Laces on the DX models till then. Before that (1987-1990) the DX Plus' came with Silver. Silver, and Blue. You sure someone did not change out the pickup years back?
Name: Herb
From: Orlando, FL
E-mail: Contact
Thanks for such an informative site. I have never researched my Strat Plus until I found your info here. It is my first guitar, and I haven't had it out in a long time. It is a pale yellow, with serial number E458364, which makes this an early model, 1987 I would say. I had
forgotten how long I've owned it, since 1993.
I am very excited to learn I have a unique guitar, and to see her in such nice condition.